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Squats make me dizzy

I hate squats but I love them. Every time I go to gym to do squats, a feeling of resentment and fear takes over me. I resist those feelings and put on a weight with which I can do warm ups (usually about 60% to 70% of my work weight). Once I rip through them I gain some confidence. But as soon as I do my first work set I know why I hated squats in the first place. It is not because every part of my body hurts. But because of the dizzy feeling of the aftermath.

By the 6th or 7th rep I am breathing heavily, panting almost and the very strong urge to stop doing any more reps creeps in. I force my self to do a couple more if I can. Move slowly to rack the barbell and once the weight is off my back I feel my head reel as if I am going to faint. I just have to hold on to the squat rack and stay there without moving lest I blackout. But after the 3 work sets that I normally do, I feel great. Almost proud to have achieved my goal for the day.

Squats are considered to be the best exercise in body building circles and for a good reason too. The sheer number of muscles being used to push a heavy load is proof enough that it is really the best exercise. Doing squats also works out the biggest muscles in the body (almost all leg muscles and then some). Which means more growth hormone will be produced by your body to repair those huge muscles. So you gain muscle more quickly. This is especially good for skinny guys.

When I first started I was only able to do 100 lbs, not even a plate on either side. Now I can do 150 lb. I don't feel dizzy when I am doing deadlifts though. May be I am not at the highest weight yet for deadlifts. We will see.


  1. Chandan, I was wondering if you could write a little post about the body fat analyzer you use. I could definitely benefit from that since I am looking to buy one soon and if you have a specific recommendation, I wont think twice about buying it. If you have tried the calipers and compared it with the analyzer's results, please write about that as well.
    BTW Thanks for your feedback about my diet. Makes me think a little more about it and hopefully I will arrive at some better numbers that will work! Thank you!


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