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Body weight and fat stats: Jun 2010

After a long time, I am writing about my body stats. Since I follow a 3 months cycle, I will compare my weight and fat% with my March numbers.

March 27, 2010

  • Weight: 122.2 lbs
  • Fat %: 9.77%
  • Fat: 11.94 lbs
  • Lean Mass: 110.26 lbs
June 26, 2010
  • Weight: 125.4 lbs
  • Fat %: 9.46%
  • Fat: 11.86 lbs
  • Lean Mass: 113.54 lbs
The difference
  • Weight: 3.2 lbs
  • Fat: -0.8 lbs
  • Lean Mass: 3.28 lbs
For the first time ever (in any given 3 month cycle), I gained weight while keep my fat about the same. Of course there could be some measurement errors too. But all in all I gained at least 3 lbs of muscle. Still keeping in line with my 1 lb per month gain. This is good enough for me. Trying to gain too much, too quickly is causing my fat to shoot up really quickly. I did not achieve this gain constantly over the period of 3 months. Sometimes I gained a lot and at other times I lost a few pounds. Here is the weight graph to show just that

More graphs and correlation between them in my next post.


  1. Great Gains Chandan - keep it up! Your posts are always inspiration for me. I have been tied up with some personal commitments for a few weeks and have been able to get only 2 workouts a week for the past 2 months - I am happy though that my strength is increasing gradually - I will post updates soon. I would like to read about your experience with the mass training you have started - write about it when you get a chance. Take care!


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