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Protein powder or a meal: Which is better?

I always like to eat a well rounded meal right after I workout instead of drinking protein shakes or eating protein bars. That is the reason I workout right before lunch. It works well. Protein bars and drinks should only be supplements to your diet but should not be the raw material for building muscle. The natural way to build body is to eat the natural food that is available.

I found this interesting video on the same topic. Makes sense doesn't he?

Eat solid natural food and lots of it right after your workout. At the end of the meal drink a glass of orange juice or grape juice. This will give you the insulin spike that you need and also some vitamin C to prevent muscle loss after the heavy bout of weight lifting. Give it a try and see the difference.

I support eating a protein bar or drinking protein shake during workout session if it lasts a longer than 45 mins. But don't eat or drink so much that you will not be able to eat the huge amount of food that you will have to eat after the exercise. I used to eat a protein bar during workout although I only workout for 45 mins. So along with the water that I drink I used to feel full after the workout and could not eat as much as I should. But now that has changed. I like it this way.


  1. Chandan, have you tried "Ultra Fuel" by Twinlab? I used to use fruit juice as a post-workout drink earlier and then I used to use the Glucon-D we get back home. But nothing beats this Ultra Fuel - one or two servings after your workout really restores your energy levels in about 5 minutes. For around $10 for a 2lb jar, its easily worth it. I have tried the orange flavour and it tastes nice - here is the link:

  2. Hmm, I usually don't like to take any kind of supplements but in this case I probably will make an exception and try it. So do you mix protein powder with it? Seems like it contains sugar and electrolytes.

  3. No, you don't have to mix protein into it. It is just a carb post-workout recovery drink equivalent to the fruit juice you take but more effective. I usually drink it within 10 minutes of completing my workout and eat a full meal a little later. I usually take 2 servings of it in water which comes to 50g of only carbs (which I don't account for in my diet). I actually chose it because it was part of Anthony Ellis's recommended diet. Good luck!


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